Fuji Planet
Welcome to Fuji Planet, a forum that offers a unique experience.

We have everything from flash games to forum games, item reviews to great graphics. Before registering, we recommend that you take a tour of this site. Explore our arcade complete with level editors, our gallery of user-created pics and tutorials, and the rest of our growing forum.

When you register, you will be able to access the chatbox, where users can instantly chat with everyone else.

We hope to see you soon.

~Fuji Planet Staff
Fuji Planet
Welcome to Fuji Planet, a forum that offers a unique experience.

We have everything from flash games to forum games, item reviews to great graphics. Before registering, we recommend that you take a tour of this site. Explore our arcade complete with level editors, our gallery of user-created pics and tutorials, and the rest of our growing forum.

When you register, you will be able to access the chatbox, where users can instantly chat with everyone else.

We hope to see you soon.

~Fuji Planet Staff
Fuji Planet
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